On earth, we can receive a foretaste of heaven. And deep down we know it.\n.\nSo

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On earth, we can receive a foretaste of heaven. And deep down we know it.n.nSo

On earth, we can receive a foretaste of heaven. And deep down we know it.
So we search for it.
But so often we search in all the wrong places.
We are made with a deep hunger for the Lord, an insatiable appetite, a “voracious hunger” as Monsignor Shea once said.
And oftentimes we look to satisfy that hunger with power, pleasure, or pride.
But the Lord offers Himself to us, a foretaste of the eternal life that awaits us.
This taste strengthens us more than any meal ever could and replenishes us better than any drink.
Don’t be content with false tastes. Strive for the foretaste — the only real taste of the full taste that awaits!
#revival #eucharisticrevival #church #jesus #catholic #christian #gospel

On earth, we can receive a foretaste of heaven. And deep down we know it.\n.\nSo we search for it.\n.\nBut so often we search in all the wrong places.\n.\nWe are made with a deep hunger for the Lord, an insatiable appetite, a \
