The Ideal Catholic
1. Mass: Make all Sunday Sacred
2. Exercise: Spiritual Exercises (discipline)
a. Prayer
b. Fasting
c. Giving
3. Belong: Small Communities of Faith
a. Belong to some form of communal aspect of support.
4. Formation:
a. Ongoing Formation
b. Still much to learn
c. Leadership / Service
d. Learning about faith
5. A Life of Devotion
a. Virgin Mary
b. Two Pillars (Don Bosco)
i. Blessed Mother
ii. Eucharist
c. Devotion to:
i. Family
ii. Friends
iii. Causes: Church, community
iv. Devotion for personal grow.
Beautiful challenge for today!
Read Gospel Mark 1: 29-39 and see how those five elements are reflected in the life of Jesus Christ.