En oración con nuestra familia Schoenstatt de Chile.
In prayer with our Schoenstatt family of Chile.
ES – Temporal causa graves daños al Santuario de Bellavista
Este viernes (02.08) Chile fue afectado por un fuerte temporal. Un pino fue arrancado y golpeó el techo del Santuario de Bellavista, rompiendo su estructura por la mitad. Otros árboles fueron arrancados y muchas ramas están cubriendo el…
ES – Storm causes serious damage to Bellavista Sanctuary
This Friday (02.08) Chile was hit by a strong thunderstorm. A pine tree was uprooted and hit the roof of the Bellavista Sanctuary, breaking its structure in half. Other trees were uprooted and many branches are covering the ground around the sanctuary. Let us pray for our brothers, especially all those whose properties have been damaged.
EN – Storm causes serious damage to Bellavista Shrine
This Friday (02.08) Chile was hit by a strong storm. A pine tree was uprooted and hit the roof of the Bellavista Shrine, breaking its structure in half. Other trees were uprooted and many branches are covering the ground around the Shrine. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters, especially for all those whose properties have been damaged.
PT – Storm causes severe damage to Bellavista Sanctuary
This Friday (02.08) Chile was hit by a severe thunderstorm. A pine tree was uprooted by the root and hit the roof of the Bellavista Sanctuary, breaking its structure in half. More trees have been uprooted and many branches are covering the ground around the Sanctuary. Let us pray for our brothers, especially all whose properties have been damaged.
DE – Storm causes heavy damage at Bellavista sanctuary
On Friday (02.08.) ) Chile was haunted by a strong storm. A pine was uprooted and hit the roof of the Bellavista sanctuary, breaking the structure in half. More trees have been uprooted and many branches are covering the ground around the sanctuary. Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters, especially those whose properties have been damaged.