EN: They have made a covenant with you.

You are here:
EN: They have made a covenant with you.

EN: They have made a covenant with you.
May it stand as firm as if cast in bronze.
Then I will know that they are in safe and loyal hands and will not fear the raging fury of the flood.

You will bring them all victoriously home to the Father so that they can sing hymns to the Lamb.
I firmly believe that no one will be lost
who remains faithful to the covenant of love.
Heavenwards 533-534

ES: Han sellado una Alianza contigo:
se conserve firme como fundida en bronce;
entonces los sé bajo un seguro y fiel amparo
y no temo la furia salvaje del diluvio.

Victoriosamente conducirás a todos hacia el hogar, al Padre, para que entonen cánticos al cordero.
Creo firmemente que nunca perecerá
quien permanece fiel a su Alianza de Amor.
Hacia el Padre 533- 534
